Earth Day 2020
Editorial Design / Data Analysis / Content Strategy / Writing
I planned and built an Earth Day report that presented information about sustainability in the time of COVID-19 in a clear and creative way. The report includes an introduction as well as data analysis by keyword, material, product category, and brand.
On April 22, 1970, over 20 million Americans gathered across the country for teach-ins, rallies, and public cleanups on the very first Earth Day. Now, 50 years later, we gather for many of the same reasons: to demonstrate support for environmental protection, explore innovative climate solutions, and push for action at all levels. Since that first historical gathering in 1970, we have made significant strides in sustainable innovation and cultural sentiment, but with alarming reports and apocalyptic predictions being released every year, it is clear that climate action is more urgent now than ever. This year, we are asked to consider the most effective ways of mitigating climate change, while in the midst of an even more immediate crisis. COVID-19 has and will continue to shape the future of our world, and how society responds to this crisis will directly impact the efficacy and timeliness of our ongoing fight for climate justice.
At the very least, COVID-19 has shown us that it is possible for the world to mobilize against a common threat. Provided that no meaningful action is taken to fight climate change, the virus may very well be only a taste of the crises to come. But, rapid change is possible. This mandatory break represents an opportunity to re-evaluate the current way of doing things and explore solutions that more equitably account for people, planet, and profit. When enough of us come together to advocate for the greater good, as we do on Earth Day, we can all more clearly see the light at the end of the tunnel.